Common myths about grief:

It is common to hear people say that after the first year things get easier. This is not always true and can vary greatly depending on the type of loss and the circumstances around it.

There is a whole array of emotions that can be experienced while grieving. Some examples of emotions include anger, guilt, helplessness, hopelessness, relief, joy (yes, you can also feel positive emotions during the grieving process).

This is a common mistake people make while trying to support a grieving person. Every loss is different and it can feel frustrating when people try to relate by sharing their own experience. Your pain is valid and what you are going through is unique to you.

Grieving does not actually happen in a straight line or in contained stages. It is normal to flow in and out of different emotions and to have both "good" and "bad" days (and sometimes days that fall somewhere in between).

Being told not to focus on the loss is not a healthy strategy to cope. It is a reflection of society's discomfort with loss and grief. It is important to take the time to integrate the loss into your life and process any emotions that you may be feeling. Sometimes you may need professional help to do this, and there is nothing wrong with that.

This is false. Grief can actually occur following a wide array of circumstances. Whether it is the loss of a pet, a job, the ending of a relationship, an injury, a medical illness, the pandemic and its related losses, etc. Every loss comes with a grieving process and naming it can help.